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Top9 Love Movies

"A women's heart is as deep as an ocean full of secrets."

Having introduced the dual nature of Titanic, a fictionalized romance and a factually inspired historic costume drama. By inserting the romantic plot into Titanic, Cameron presumes that a modern audience will not be interested in a historic costume drama, even one about the Titanic, without some form of entertainment to elevate the boredom of mere history. As his vehicle, Cameron chooses the love story between Jack Dawson (Leonardo DiCaprio), a young bachelor in third class and Rose De Witt Bukatar (Kate Winslet), a young socialite who is engaged to be married. Jack and Rose fall in love, consummate their love out of wedlock, and Rose begins to scheme for a way out of her marital commitment. When the ship begins to sink, it is Jack who leads Rose through the maze of hazards, assists her after the ship sinks, and is finally responsible for her survival. Their love is portrayed as triumphing over natural disasters and societal constraints. They will not be denied by mankind.

"Every time I look at you. I fall in love all over again."

This movie is based on Nicholas Sparks' novel. This movie takes us to a ride of eternal love, about which we hear a lot and see very few. Life can be cruel and not everyone who falls in love will have the luxury of holding hands on the beach, rocking on the front porch together, or even bickering with one another through old age. Sometimes life takes a spin and lovers end up like the characters in the story of The Notebook. We see Noah and Allie in the urgency of young romance, and then we see them as old people. It is his custom every day to read to her from a notebook that tells the story of how they met and fell in love and faced obstacles to their happiness, as she do not remember him at old age. Sometimes, he says, if only for a few minutes, the clouds part and she is able to remember who he is and who the story is about.

"No measure of time will be enough, but we will start with forever."
A love story between Edward Cullen and Isabella portrayed by Stephanie Meyer. Edward is a vampire who falls in love with Bella, a college going girl. Somehow they manage to overcome all kinds of odds and Bella gets into trouble. The whole Cullen family along with werewolves rescue Bella from all kinds of dangers. She even turns into a vampire and gives birth to a half human and half vampire. They don't have death, they don't have blood, all they have is love that lasts forever and ever.

"Memories you capture on purpose are more vivid than the ones you pick up by accident."
In a post-apocalyptic world, human survivors have barricaded themselves into a safe area of the city, but outside there are loads of shuffling, mumbling zombies, who are still in a relatively human phase before they degenerate further into hideous, skeletal attackers. One of these nice demi-undead folk, played by Nicholas Hoult, is a cute guy who falls in love with the lovely human Julie , daughter of zombiephobe survivalist warlord Grigio. Zombie-ism in the movies is traditionally inspected for metaphorical qualities. Here it could simply be that we males are emotionally dead … until love revives us.

"I'm scared of not being with you."
One of my favorite movies of all time, the story, the message the themes, it was just so beautiful and touching. Shane's and Mandy's acting was perfectly done! Their characters were perfectly portrayed, the emotion, their personalities, the love, the sincerity, the sadness...This movie is their best performance of their careers. I'm impressed with the quiet virtue of the story and am astounded at the disparity. You will surely end up in tears.

"It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you." 
This screen adaptation of John Green's 2012 young-adult bestseller about star-crossed teens who meet at a cancer support group opens with an apologetic declaration that what follows will not be sugar-coated fiction but harsh reality. As the narrative follows its sparky subjects from America to Amsterdam in search of answers to life, the universe and everything, we get to enjoy their amiable company and become seduced by their no-bullshit attitude, their conversation sparking plenty of laughs and oceans of tears as love blooms and nature takes its inexorable course.

"Sometimes you make choices in life but sometimes choices make you."
If I Stay is about Mia and her brother and her mum and dad. One day in their lovely home state in America, it snows. And they are in a car crash. Mia's Mum and Dad die at the scene, and both her and Teddy are in a critical condition. Mia enters a state of… 'non-death' (?) and watches over as her body is operated on and transported from ward to ward until it ends up in the ICU. She watches as people come and go, watching her body. The rest  is based upon Mia reflecting over her love life and what she's accomplished and answering the ultimate question: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

"My only love sprung from my only hate."

William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet adaptation. A most famous story and there are many movies that came up with this plot. But among all of them this movie released in 1996 starring Leonardo Di Caprio and Claire Danes stand as the best, with such a cute couple on screen.

"You accepted me for who I am, not for who you wanted me to be."
When a movie calls itself "The Vow," you know it takes its love and its relationships seriously. And that's certainly the case with the new romantically and medically challenged weepie starring Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum. Despite the sweet story -- lovely couple, car wreck, brain injury, she forgets him, he loves her anyway -- and the beautiful scenery -- cool converted warehouse spaces, snowy Chicago streets, Lake Michigan in the moonlight, and of course Tatum and McAdams -- this is a movie that leaves you wanting more. To care more, to cry more, to love more.

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