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A phobia is an irrational fear, a kind of anxiety disorder in which the sufferer has a relentless dread of a situation, living creature, place or thing.

If confronted with the source of their phobia, the person will suffer enormous distress, it can sometimes lead to total panic. For some people, even thinking about their phobia is immensely distressing. If the phobia is about the things that rarely happen in day to day life then that’s not an issue but if it is a complex phobia, it is something to be worried say scientists.
Some phobias start early in life (may be in childhood) and usually go away by they reach late teens whereas complex phobias start later on in life and are generally very hard to leave.
§  Accelerated heart beat
§  Nausea
§  Sweating
§  Abnormal breathing like panting
§  Dizziness
§  Headache and dry mouth
§  Confusion and chest tightness

Now let’s see about 10 weird phobias which people suffer with:
1.   1.  .Agyrophobia :
  Abnormal and persistent fear of crossing streets, highways and other thoroughfares; fear of thoroughfares themselves. Sufferers experience anxiety even though they realize that streets, highways and other thoroughfares pose no threat commensurate with their fear.
1.  2 . Taphophobia:
How many folktales have you heard about someone being buried alive? Have you ever laughed at the idea of people–either fictional or real–going to bed with notes advising whoever might find them to check and see if they are really dead? In the modern world it’s hard to believe, but for a long time taphophobia, or the fear of being buried alive, was a perfectly legitimate concern. This fear developed not because of anybody’s irrational thoughts but because this kind of thing actually happened – and quite regularly too.
Pediophobia, or fear of dolls, is relatively common. It is believed to be a type of automatonophobia, or fear of humanoid figures. Some people are afraid of all dolls and stuffed toys, while others fear only a specific type. Dolls that talk or move and old-fashioned china dolls are especially common targets of fear.
Eisoptrophobia is a fear of mirrors in the broad sense, or more specifically the fear of being put into contact with the spiritual world through a mirror. Sufferers experience undue anxiety even though they realize their fear is illogical. Because their fear often is grounded in superstitions, they may worry that breaking a mirror will bring bad luck or that looking into a mirror will put them in contact with a supernatural world inside the glass. Sufferers don’t like to look into a mirror in the evening when alone for fear of seeing someone behind them.
5. Coulrophobia:
Coulrophobia is an abnormal or exaggerated fear of clowns. It is not uncommon among children, but is also sometimes found in teenagers and adults as well. The weird appearance of the clowns, swollen red noses and unnatural hair colors makes these persons look so mysterious and treacherous. Adults who are victims of coulrophobia know what they fear is completely illogical, but they can’t escape the circumstance.
6. Ailurophobia:
An abnormal and persistent fear of cats which produces an anxiety reaction even though sufferers realize their fear is irrational. Sufferers of ailurophobia may fear not only the scratch or bite of a cat, but also the evil mystique of cats as depicted in Halloween folklore and such literary works as Edgar Allen Poe!!
7. Panophobia:
Panphobia, also called omniphobia is a medical condition known as a “non-specific fear”; the sufferer finds themselves in a state of fear but with no known target, and therefore no easy remedy. It has been described as “a vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil”. The famous person Woody Allen has suffered it too.
8.Automatonophobia :
It is actually a fear of ventriloquist’s dummy!! Sounds funny but true. There are many children and adults suffer Automatonophobia. Not only a dummy but its actually a fear of animatronic creatures and wax statues. Sufferers get scared of the facial expressions of dummies and feel that dummies do have perceptions.
9. Demonophobia:
Demonophobia is a persistent fear of evil supernatural beings in persons who believe such beings exist and roam freely to cause harm. Sufferers realize their fear is excessive. Nevertheless, they become unduly anxious when discussing demons, when venturing alone into woods or a dark house, or when watching films about demonic possession and exorcism. Sufferers are most likely to be recognized by the strings of garlic around their neck, crucifixes etc.

Achluophobia is commonly known as the "fear of darkness". It is a very common type of fear among children and can also be seen in adults to a certain extent. The person suffering from achluophobia imagines aliens, monsters or evil things around trying to harm them when he is in the dark. This is often seen in women and children. Achluophobia is a morbid fear of darkness. But if was really fear the dark, why is it that people watch movies in a dark room? Why is it that people eat with a dim light on to have a romantic atmosphere? And why is it that people usually sleep with the lights off? This makes us wonder about the cause of this fear. Perhaps it is not a fear of the darkness itself, but the possible or imagined thoughts that are created by darkness.

#Knowing #9D

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